
Why is Open Source Databases important for companies?

Ariel Lindenfeld - PeerSpot reviewer
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1 Answer

Jan 3, 2024
Find out what your peers are saying about Oracle, PostgreSQL, Firebird and others in Open Source Databases. Updated: June 2024.
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Open Source Databases
PeerSpot users agreed that functionality is of utmost importance to a quality Open Source Database (OSD). The specifications will change depending on the task you are trying to accomplish, but any Open Source Database needs to be solidly functional or there is nothing to work with. On an individual basis, scalability, metrics, and security are important features to look for. Users were clear that the efficiency of the medium which will connect the OSD with the application running it is...
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Open Source Databases experts

Luis Mario Ramos Santos - PeerSpot reviewer
Faustine Chisasa - PeerSpot reviewer
Nakul Kundaliya - PeerSpot reviewer
Arucy Lionel - PeerSpot reviewer
Kevin Honde - PeerSpot reviewer
PatrickKuria - PeerSpot reviewer
VijayS1 - PeerSpot reviewer