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CloudLock pros and cons

Vendor: Cisco
3.9 out of 5
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CloudLock Pros review quotes

Dec 1, 2020
I like CloudLock because when data gets sent out, I do not want it to get out of the environment. In today's world, a lot of users will remotely use the application. It screens all of the sensitive data. That data will really be as part of the environment that you do not want it to be part of. CloudLock is protection for sensitive data.
Sep 27, 2019
The solution is very stable and reliable.

CloudLock Cons review quotes

Dec 1, 2020
The only improvement is that it has to be a bigger part of an end-user device. It should look at how endpoints appear on the EDR rather than creating a separate agent. We have to integrate the source code into the system endpoint and make it an agent.
Sep 27, 2019
The solution needs to have better integration capabilities. I have a lot of customers asking about how they can integrate it better.