Information Technology Manager at Big Chief Tire
Easy to set up, improves communication, and keeps users organized
Pros and Cons
  • " is a very organized and easy-to-use tool."
  • "There should be on-screen PC/Mac notifications when the website/service is not open on the screen."

What is our primary use case?

Our business uses to communicate assignments to each of our departments. Our management then receives the notice of the new assignments, can communicate with other staff in an organized location related to the said assignment, and can do all of this for multiple assignments at once. is a very organized and easy-to-use tool. 

We also use this tool as a way to track the status of online sales. We only have about half a dozen of online sales active at any time (we are 99% storefront retail, with very rare cases of online sales) and allows the storefronts to keep track of the online sale status all in one convenient place that one of our users keeps updated as the status of the sale changes.

How has it helped my organization?

Our business has produced a new level of communication and understanding of work needing to be completed that we did not have prior to using Prior to using, we were primarily using texts and phone calls to communicate, but by not using an all-inclusive form of communication, a lot of vital information was lost in the weeds and has resolved all of these issues. allows us to keep all communication local to the problem in question, while not losing the information needed to succeed.

What is most valuable?

The communication/update section on each assignment is excellent. The ability to ask and answer questions and update each other on the progress of an assignment, while staying in the confines of that specific assignment, while also not disturbing other assignments or adding confusion is a priceless asset. 

As I included in my previous answer, we were primarily using texts and phone calls to communicate, but by not using an all-inclusive form of communication, a lot of vital information was lost in the weeds and has resolved all of
these issues. allows us to keep all communication local to the problem in question, while not losing the information needed to succeed.

What needs improvement?

There should be on-screen PC/Mac notifications when the website/service is not open on the screen. If they made it similar to a social media notification, that would be a bonus. From what I've been able to find, this is not a current feature with 

Another area of improvement would probably be a form of inclusion from outside sources of communication. I would love to be able to read a notification on an Apple Watch, use voice-to-text to respond to the said notification, and then have that response get added to the assignment in question.

Again, these may already be implemented in some form or fashion, however, I have yet to find them.

Buyer's Guide
May 2024
Learn what your peers think about Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: May 2024.
772,649 professionals have used our research since 2012.

For how long have I used the solution?

Our business has been using for almost two years now.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Our company's instance of is cloud-hosted and we have no impression of the service halting in the future. We plan to use this service as our sole project management solution.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Our company's instance of is fairly small compared to other instances that I have seen. Our company only has around 25 employees that use on a day-to-day basis. We keep everything within a couple of pages, and I've seen corporations that have dozens of pages open within their instance with each page essentially being used as an individual storefront. I have definitely seen cases of use where we could grow our company's instance into much more in-depth management, however, we have yet to see a need to.

How are customer service and support?

We have had minimal communication with customer service and/or support, only due to the fact that we haven't needed support in any way so far. Everything has run smoothly.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We have tried multiple solutions in the past (Asana, Whatsapp), however, have found that has been the easiest product to integrate completely into our day-to-day with our staff. 

We have a staff of upper-level management that doesn't always want to conform to new technological inclusions into our business, especially on a day-to-day level, and we have had little to no push back on our integration with 

All levels of management use it on a day-to-day basis and company-wide, we have had great success in communication and a higher rate of completion by the deadline on projects and assignments created within the platform.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup is completely straightforward. Our VP had no issues setting up the service for our company.

What about the implementation team?

The solution was implemented in-house.

What was our ROI?

Our ROI with is primarily based on job accuracy and completion by goal dates issued by upper management. While we don't directly quantify a financial ROI for within our business, we do acknowledge the growth in information retainment, higher job accuracy within our lower-level staff, and higher completion by goal dates company-wide since implementing into our business.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

I'd advise new users to prepare to budget around being a needed product that is never considered a dropable product. It has become a massive asset to our day-to-day production, and we plan to run full speed with as our primary project management tool. 

It was extremely simple and easy to set up for our vice president who was then able to individually invite the required staff into our company's instance of, and within an hour he had created the infrastructure that we have operated for the last two years.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

As I said previously, we have tried multiple solutions in the past (Asana, Whatsapp). I have found that has been the easiest product to integrate completely into our day-to-day with our staff.

What other advice do I have? is a fantastic project management tool that our company would recommend to any company working in any field with a deadline.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Terrie Whisenant - PeerSpot reviewer
CEO at Workflow Solutions
Real User
Top 10
Flexible, easy to use, and makes tracking and following up on various items easy
Pros and Cons
  • "I like the update feature. It's almost like you can replace email with it. You can communicate on a particular item within, and then you can see the history of who commented, when they commented, what they said, and the reply to what they said. It's much easier to follow up on a particular item than have a thousand emails going back and forth. In a big project, you can usually have a ton of emails. If you use as a communication tool, you can almost eliminate email and have better tracking on what was done, when it was done, and what was said about the items. That's probably my favorite feature."
  • "It does have some native report widgets, but there are limitations on those. They're still building that capability out in my opinion. The reporting in is probably the weakest link, but there are third-party apps that you can add in that do some great reporting for you. You can also tie into a data warehouse and use something like Tableau, Power BI, or any reporting tool that can report out of a data warehouse to get the more in-depth reports that you need. will get there, but it doesn't seem to be one of their top priorities."

What is our primary use case?

I am an implementation consultant, so I help tons of clients do different things with I'm in a business that does the setup for clients of all various verticals. I've used it for just about everything.

I also use it for various different things for my own business. I use it for project management so that I can manage all the different clients that I'm working with at one time. I use it for billing so that I can track the number of hours that I've spent on a particular client to bill them. I use it as a CRM so that when I get a new lead for someone who may be interested in the product implementation or the product itself, I can nurture that lead, and hopefully, get to a point where there's a deal in place and a proposal, and then they become an account and a customer. These are some of the things I use it for.

I've used it for other clients to track real estate projects. I've used it with an insurance company to track their renewals. I did projects with media businesses. When we did those, we tracked the new shows that were coming out and everything that had to be done for that show. We also tracked events because they would have something like a show opening where people would come to preview a show or movie. We had to track those events. So, I've used it for a ton of things.

What is most valuable?

I like the update feature. It's almost like you can replace email with it. You can communicate on a particular item within, and then you can see the history of who commented, when they commented, what they said, and the reply to what they said. It's much easier to follow up on a particular item than have a thousand emails going back and forth. In a big project, you can usually have a ton of emails. If you use as a communication tool, you can almost eliminate email and have better tracking on what was done, when it was done, and what was said about the items. That's probably my favorite feature.

It's very easy. One of the other things I like about is that it's very visual. It's very easy for non-technical staff to learn. It's kind of a drag-and-drop and point-and-click. It's very colorful. Most of the learners are more visual. It's a lot easier to read, understand, and manipulate than Excel, which is what a lot of companies rely on to run their businesses.

I like the visual presentation of its interface. It's clean. It's customizable to some extent. You can use colors for different groups, which calls your attention to that group. You can do some daily colorful dashboards to visualize what's going on with your board.

It's very flexible. There's not been a ton of things that I've run into that I couldn't do in one way or the other. They are building a tremendous third-party app library. If there's something that doesn't do natively right now, plenty of vendors have gone out and said that can't do this, I'm going to write an app for it. Using those third-party apps helps bridge some of the gaps that hasn't grown into yet. Make and Zapier are two third-party apps, but they have a native integration with For anything that you can't do with the third-party app or natively, you can use Make or Zapier to do different things using API. We've not run into anything that we couldn't do at least by using Make, Zapier, or a third-party app.

Views is another powerful feature of where you can just say show me everything that's due within five days. It's easy to work from that list instead of working from a hundred-line project plan. 

What needs improvement?

It's getting better for viewing projects and timelines. It wasn't strong for project management to begin with. It missed some basic things that a lot of people were used to in solutions like Microsoft Project, but they are continuing to improve on it. It's definitely getting better. You can do a Gantt chart now where you can mark your baseline, so you can track things that were overdue or things that got done early. You can track how things are impacting timelines. There's still some room to grow with project management, but they're on the right track.

It does have some native report widgets, but there are limitations on those. They're still building that capability out in my opinion. The reporting in is probably the weakest link, but there are third-party apps that you can add in that do some great reporting for you. You can also tie into a data warehouse and use something like Tableau, Power BI, or any reporting tool that can report out of a data warehouse to get the more in-depth reports that you need. will get there, but it doesn't seem to be one of their top priorities. We are working around some of those things where we need more in-depth reporting with Make or data warehouse with Tableau or Power BI.

Reporting dashboards need a lot more love. There are some limitations based on the plan that you get with If you're a company that's running a bunch of projects and you only need the Pro plan for your number of users, you're still limited in terms of the number of boards that you can include in the dashboard. So, for pulling your reports out, using a data warehouse gets you past all that and gets you better and more inside of a report. You can also use third-party apps. There are a couple of third-party apps that I like. 

There still are challenges with the stability of the product. From what I understand, they're undergoing a rewrite of the way the system was written, so there are some stability issues. It's going to be much better once they get the final code or rewrite done.

For how long have I used the solution?

It has probably been four years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

It's pretty stable, but they're transitioning its code to another platform. So, we are getting some stability issues. We get a notice that automations aren't working. They usually fix such issues within an hour or two. There have been very infrequent issues that have taken longer than a day. They're on top of that part, so I'd still say that it's a stable platform even though they are doing this transition, and we do have some messages that come through saying that something is down. It's more stable compared to others I've worked on.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It's very easy to add new users. It has the ability where when you add a new user to your account and you're over your allotted number of users, they just go ahead and bill you for that. You don't have to do anything. As long as you have a payment form, like most software companies nowadays, they'll just go ahead and bill you for that. It's extremely easy to do that.

How are customer service and support?

I have interacted with them. Before the end of last year when layoffs were going on, their support was top-notch. I had never worked with a company whose support was as good as You could send a ticket in, and you would most likely get a response that day, whereas when I send a ticket in now, it could take days. 

I know they've had some layoffs in that area, which is disappointing. Their support had put them head and shoulders above everybody else because you could send a ticket in, and within a couple of hours, you'd have an answer, or you'd have an answer overnight when the second or third shift came on. That was great, but now, I feel that it has gone down. I'm using community portals and searching the web and YouTube videos a lot more than sending in a ticket and getting a quick answer. It's taking me more time to dig into something if something is not working the way it should work. That's a bit disappointing.

At this time, I'd rate their support a six out of ten. Before the layoffs, it'd have been a ten out of ten.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I've worked with Trello. Trello was kind of a stagnant solution. They didn't do a lot. They started doing some more R&D, but you're still limited with Trello. I switched from Trello to because I could do so much more with than I could do with Trello. I could look at my data differently. It's much easier to navigate than Trello.

I've used Zoho and others in the past, but that was long ago. I can't do a fair comparison to them now.

Another thing that I like about is that they are putting a ton of R&D money into the product. I've been working on the product for about four years, and there has been constant R&D. They are putting out new features every month. They are trying to make this product better. That's another thing that drew me to over some of the other products that I knew were kind of stagnant from an R&D perspective.

The time it takes to create a new project using depends on the project. It depends on the number of items and the number of columns. I can talk to you and put a board together with the columns that you tell me you need in an hour. That's not going to include any automation, or it may include a small number of automations. It depends on what the project entails. I did the insurance company one in an hour. I had a phone call with them. It was easy. I'm also working with a company that is building out locations all across the US, and we're doing a lot of real estate work. That was very complicated. It took probably six weeks, but a lot of that was back and forth with how they wanted to do things. I had to show them works like this, or it works like this, and which way they wanted to do it. It just depends on the size of the project and what you're trying to accomplish. As compared to the other products that I've used, is faster in terms of creating new projects, and I can do more with it. For example, the veterinarian's office was trying to use Excel to track fifty different properties. All of the tasks were going on without any kind of automation. It was just manual. They were spending a ton of time looking at spreadsheets, whereas now, they've got a system that will send them reminders with something to do. It just depends, but is faster. It just adds so much more with automations and integrations.

How was the initial setup?

I help companies implement and use it. It depends on the complexity of the project. If somebody just wants to put a simple board up to track PTO or their employee information, that's simple, but if you want to do a project plan that links to a bunch of other project plans or you want a bunch of reports out of it, that can be a little bit more complicated. However, most of the time, setting up boards in is very simple. It just depends on what you want to do with it. Setting up one board is nothing, but if you want to build a system out where the boards talk to each other and you get good reporting and breakdown with silos, that's going to take a little bit more time.

In terms of the number of people involved, from my side, we typically have two or three depending on the complexity of the project. If there are integration needs, most of the time, it's just me, but if the project is more complex, then I'll pull other people in.

I've been doing implementations for thirty years, and from the client side, the biggest issue I see is that a lot of times, they'll put one person in charge of saying this is how it's going to work without having communications with the actual users. They don't bring the other stakeholders in to say why they are doing something in a certain way, which tends to lead to rework. Having a small team with representatives of the different areas that you are trying to automate and use for is the best way to do it.

The size of the client's team depends on the size of the project. I've worked with teams of two to three on the client side, and I've worked with teams of 25 to 30 users, but they all represented something different within the business. As we talked about things and everybody was there, everybody was aware of what was being done, and they could provide inputs on doing it in a certain way.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

There are features that they're putting in the Enterprise plan that you have to pay for the Enterprise plan to use those features. The Enterprise plan is probably double or triple the Pro plan price, or it may be two and a half times. From a business standpoint, I don't like the fact that I have to pay two and a half times more to use a particular feature. I get why they're doing it. They are a business, and they've got to make money, but they're intentionally putting some of the features that are needed to run a good project or a good business in that Enterprise plan, and, of course, it's the highest price plan. 

Some of the smaller businesses don't need some of the features that come along with the Enterprise plan. It's just a give-and-take, but I don't like the model where a small company with five to ten people has to pay double the price to get that one feature. If you've got two hundred users, you can probably get a little bit of a pass break, and they probably got one because they have thousands of users. I've got a client who is a small lab management company, and it would be great for them to have one of the capabilities that's in the Enterprise plan, but they can't pay two and a half times the cost of the software to get that one feature. So, we're having to do workarounds for that, and the workarounds are not always pretty.

What other advice do I have?

If you're evaluating it, I would advise getting the trial membership and playing around with it to see if it does what you wanted to do. Talk to a consultant if you need to. Pay for an hour with a consultant to let them talk to you about how that particular platform works and how you want to use it. There are plenty of clients that I've moved from Salesforce, Trello, or Asana because is a better platform for what they're trying to do. Salesforce is way too complicated for a small business to do the type of tracking that a small business needs to do, and it's more expensive. It's just a matter of evaluating the functionality and the scalability of what you want to do long-term with your business or your project.

It's fairly easy to learn. It isn't technical at all. Just like any new software, it takes a little bit of time, but does have some good resources. I have little ninety-second clips to show you how to do small things. I offer training to my clients too so that it's more specific to how they are using the product. Of course, you do have's training, which is more generic. In my experience, most of the time, people learn better if they're looking at their own data and working with their own system, but overall, it's fairly easy. If you've used Excel before and you're good at that, is super easy. It's easier than Excel.

It can help to reduce project delays, but you have to set it up correctly. You have to set up automations or notifications when a deadline is within five days, ten days, or whatever you need to get that amount of work done. That's key to being able to stay on top of those projects. I'm looking at a client's data. They have this great little project management table, but nobody is on to it. There are no deadlines, and there are no automations. They're missing the ability to stay on top of that. There are no views. There are a lot of things you can do to stay on top of the project. You just have to set it up correctly.

It can help break down silos within an organization. A lot of the people who are managers don't want to see the details. They don't want to see what goes behind making the sausage. They just want to see if the sausage has been made. So, dashboards, reports, and things along those lines are imperative to being able to break down silos within a business.

Overall, I'd rate a nine out of ten. The biggest weakness is its reporting abilities. There are some limitations to what you can pull in for reports and the number of boards you can include. There are some things you can't do in reporting right now. The number of boards that they limit you to for the reporting is also like a handcuff. There should be the ability to see things differently. In the reporting, they need more widgets, or they need to be able to include more field types or things along those lines to give you better insights without having to go to a third party.

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor. The reviewer's company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Reseller
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Buyer's Guide
May 2024
Learn what your peers think about Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: May 2024.
772,649 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Program Director of Leadership Development at Temple University
Real User
Easy to manage with various display options and great templates
Pros and Cons
  • "The templates were always the best part as not starting from scratch made the process so much easier."
  • "While I appreciate the templates, some of them are extremely complex and not as tailored to non-profit work so they required quite a bit of customizing (but worth the trouble)."

What is our primary use case?

I run a coaching and training department that requires me to manage a large team of full-time, part-time and seasonal team members. Our projects vary from month to month and require quite a bit of cross-functional communication and high levels of collaboration. Some projects also require the assistance of strategic partners who were added as guests. All in all, we primarily used this software for Project management because it allowed me to monitor the progress of my team, allowed us to manage hybrid programs and operations (and transition seamlessly), and communicate 24/7. 

How has it helped my organization?

When you first get in, the set-up and overall functionality were easy to use. Not to mention I appreciated all of the many integrations. It made it so easy to build systems and processes for my team. 

We’ve also had quite a bit of turnover in staff, so it was super great when it came to transitioning new employees in and old employees out. My multi-generational team loved it. It was also pivotal in teaching my collegiate interns how to manage their time and break down their projects into smaller tasks.  

What is most valuable?

The templates were always the best part as not starting from scratch made the process so much easier.

The various display options and formats were great -especially when you have a large team with varying needs. They appreciated the tutorials and how-tos available with each board as well. 

As someone who has to manage their team’s as well as my own projects and tasks - it made it easier to see everyone and everything from a bird’s eye view. I also really appreciated the daily reminders, progress updates, and little (but impactful) notes of encouragement. 

What needs improvement?

I wish I understood and had taken advantage of the automation more. it was kind of hard to figure out.

While I appreciate the templates, some of them are extremely complex and not as tailored to non-profit work so they required quite a bit of customizing (but worth the trouble).  

The email log-in sensitivity would be a challenge and would lead to guests being added as members and the account getting overcharged frequently. 

I also wish the software was more affordable as I would love to use it for my small business as well. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I've been using the solution for two years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

If you had a variety of pricing options I can see this going far.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It is definitely possible to scale. 

How are customer service and support?

We have never had to use technical support, however, the tutorials were great.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We used Microsoft Teams and were unable to customize it the same way. 

How was the initial setup?

It is very easy to use if you follow the promptings and watch the videos.

What about the implementation team?

We implemented it with our in-house team.

What was our ROI?

The ROI is very high.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The budget is quite pricey. If you can afford it, it’s worth it. 

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We looked at Trello and Airtable.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Private Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Easy to use with helpful boards and task formation
Pros and Cons
  • "Being able to customize the boards to our needs as a dance studio with a smaller staff team has been very helpful."
  • "Coordination with different social media platforms would be a convenient feature."

What is our primary use case?

Our company is a small business and we're using this platform mainly for task delegation and communication between in-office workers and out-of-office workers. 

We are a dance studio that offers classes to students ages 2.5 to 18. We offer over 85 classes per season (August-May) and then we also offer summer camps and intensives. We use for project delegation, scheduling our year out in advance, creating meeting agendas, and much more. As a dance studio, we also use to help with the planning of our end-of-year recital. 

How has it helped my organization?

It has definitely streamlined our communication process with our business owners, managers, and staff. All from, we can assign a task, communicate to the assigned person to complete the task, and see when there is a status update without using any other platform to communicate. 

We also use the calendar feature to visualize when certain tasks or milestones in various projects need to be completed. we also utilize the documents feature quite often to brainstorm or just to get everything out "on paper". From there, we can go back and organize our discussions into task boards.

What is most valuable?

The boards are very helpful in task delegation. Being able to customize the boards to our needs as a dance studio with a smaller staff team has been very helpful. 

We use the "subitems" column quite a bit on larger projects, and being able to assign different tasks within a project is helpful for everyone to see who is working on what. 

The status column is helpful especially when someone is stuck on a task and a question can be asked and answered via the notes section. 

We have also formatted our boards so that when a task is marked "Done" it gets moved to a separate board, so it is automatically taken off of the to-do list.

What needs improvement?

Coordination with different social media platforms would be a convenient feature. If the scheduled posts from could somehow actually get posted from the schedule without the user having to go in and post at the scheduled time, that would be a time saver. 

A Zoom-like feature or a conference call feature would also be cool to see. It would convenient to have the video call within, and a split-screen or a shared screen feature so everyone could see specifically which task, board, or document the speaker was looking at. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I've used the solution for two years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability is ten out of ten.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The scalability is ten out of ten.

How are customer service and support?

Customer service is great. We've only had the site crash a few times in the last few years we have used, and it gets back online within the day most of the time within a few hours.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We used Google Docs previously. We still currently use all of the features in Google Drive, but communication via Google Drive was not streamlined enough.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was straightforward. Most of us are hands-on learners, so learning how to make work for us took us going into the website and applying it for ourselves, however, it is very user-friendly.

What about the implementation team?

No, we did not.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The different price options and feature access is nice. I would test first and take advantage of the trial period to make sure it will work with your business.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

No, we did not. One of our business owners saw research and found

What other advice do I have?

Definitely take time to look into all of the features of yourself to see how it can best fit into your workspace.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Arun Isravel - PeerSpot reviewer
OKR Consultant at self-employed
Helps clients see their achievements, resolve problems, and plan strategies
Pros and Cons
  • " is very easy to use and very user-friendly. I can give non-technical people access to their respective boards and that enables them to focus on their objectives and their targeted items or customers... No other CRM is this user-friendly for non-technical end-users."
  • "They need to add more data values and fields, such as currency and functional fields, as well as more trigger functionality for automation and time-based management."

What is our primary use case?

I recently did work for a manufacturing company in India. They sell electronics to their customers as well as materials to B2B customers. They wanted us to create standard operating dashboards and we used to do so for every level of senior management. They wanted to manage all their sales and manage all their operations in the same place. I created boards for their manufacturing, sales, production, and project management operations. I also created automation tools based on the conditions and other requirements, as well as third-party integrations.

I know OKR well and I use the OKR framework with boards as well. They also were interested in knowing about their goals, operations, and marketing expenses. I created a separate OKR board for what they wanted to focus on.

How has it helped my organization? has helped clarify that company's goals and created transparency: where they stand in sales, the amount of production completed per day, per month, and per quarter. They can see their marketing expenses, their junk leads, and the deals that closed.

The company is running in six regions, including North America, Europe, and Asia, and I created separate boards based on the territories. Information is allocated and automated in the respective boards in their Salesforce. I was also able to create their sales cycle process in one place. When a sale is closed it moves to operations and project management.

They have been able to see their three-month achievements and three-month problems and can work on how to resolve the problems and the strategies they want to implement for the next quarter. They have a clearer understanding of what they are doing and where they are going to focus.

Before, this company managed using Excel sheets. Once we implemented, it opened up clarity and transparency from the top level to the bottom level of management. They know what lower-level employees are doing and how they're contributing towards the organization's goals. They know how much of their goals have been achieved in a given quarter.

Decision-making is data-driven. gives detailed data in a single place, for every lead, sale, operation, and project. Every week it gives them clear data on where they stand: what processes are going on, what the backlogs are, and what needs to be done. With clarity on the boards and the data, it helps them make the right decision at the right time, in discussion with the respective managers or team leaders.

Delays are usually because of a lack of engineers or subject matter experts for a project. This is something that needs to be fixed and gives clarity on why there is a delay, where a process is not moving, to help them know which areas to improve.

For day-to-day project management operations of my team, as well as the entire organization, we can easily focus on a task-oriented system and the outcomes. And I'm guiding my clients to an outcome-based system using OKR boards so that they're focused on daily priorities based on quarterly goals and objectives.

What is most valuable? is very easy to use and very user-friendly. I can give non-technical people access to their respective boards and that enables them to focus on their objectives and their targeted items or customers. We train them to use it and how to engage with their customers. It helps create a standard operating procedure for non-technical people and gives them clarity.

No other CRM is this user-friendly for non-technical end-users. I have worked with other CRMs, especially Apptivo, but with, we can access various models and find the necessary data in one place. We don't have to go to separate tabs to find data. It is like Excel, but in a single place I can find the data and details to easily grasp the information.

What needs improvement?

They need to add more data values and fields, such as currency and functional fields, as well as more trigger functionality for automation and time-based management.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using for the past one and a half years. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I haven't faced any issues with its stability so far. I have not imported huge amounts of data into

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Its scalability is absolutely great. I have brought most of the business users in my clients' organizations into because of its user-friendly visualizations on the boards and the automation, integrations, and flexibility. It is scalable for multiple users.

How are customer service and support?

I have contacted their tech support once. It was very interesting to chat with them and they shared all the details as well as a detailed user guide with information that helped.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

Over the past six years, I have been working in CRM implementation. I used Apptivo CRM. My passion was to become a CRM expert. I searched for great products in the CRM area for end customers and I found that has all the functionality, automations, triggers, and integrations. I also wanted a scalable solution for my customers.

How was the initial setup?

My services include deployment and implementation of for my clients. Integration of the solution is generally straightforward, although sometimes we need developer input as well. We usually need a maximum of two to three people.

It takes a minimum of 30 to 45 days to create a new project, but that is for larger clients. For smaller clients, we can complete the entire project within 10 to 15 days.

Once we complete a project, I give detailed training to my customers and guide them on how to maintain and customize things. In terms of updates, I subscribe to their newsletter and I get their updates every month. I read about them and, if an update is suitable for our customers, I will acknowledge it by sending them an email, or if they want to know more about an update, I'll get onto a call and clearly explain the functionality and features of the update.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The pricing of is worth it.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

Evaluation of other options depends on the customer's requirements. Some customers want HubSpot CRM. HubSpot has a service model as well as a CMS. I recommend the advantages of the respective CRMs: What are the advantages of using, HubSpot, and Apptivo CRM? Based on that and their requirements, I propose a solution. I will then give them a demo and they can decide how to move forward, which system will work for them, their use cases, and day-to-day activities.

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Integrator
PeerSpot user
Troy-Hewitt - PeerSpot reviewer
Deputy Executive Director at Brand New Congress
Real User
Great alerts, helpful for cross-team collaboration, and helpful support
Pros and Cons
  • "Having all our stuff in one place, within one tool is extremely helpful."
  • "This isn't a platform where you scrimp on the training and send one person to bring back knowledge. Monday is different things to different people, and context matters."

What is our primary use case?

Monday helps our decentralized team connect digitally. 

Its flexibility allows information that was once only prepared and shared in one way to be presented in a way that is appealing and even more useful for other disciplines, without fundamentally changing the way a person needs to work. 

It also allows us to show aspects of our project to our volunteers in a way that doesn't break the bank. The guests feature is important for an organization like ours, that spends a lot of time connecting and communicating with people from coast to coast.

How has it helped my organization?

Our teams know about candidate launch deadlines, and it takes the burden of an organizing staffer being required to also make sure every department head has been alerted to an event, even if it's as granular as a task handoff. 

All our info, all in one place, is infinitely expandable with a myriad of integrations that work like a charm. We were able to remove bulky, siloed CRMs and tools that perhaps only one person from one team would use, and consolidate everything into Monday. 

Cross-team collaboration shifted from challenging to "just the way we do things" overnight. 

What is most valuable?

External facing development boards, countdowns, email alert systems for deadlines, and progress summaries have been great. Having all our stuff in one place, within one tool is extremely helpful. 

Being able to pull entire departments into their own ecosystem, while managing the user access from one dashboard is incredibly valuable. 

One of the best features I can speak to is getting alerts based on status and progress, task by task. Monday has really changed the notion of update meetings for our team- we can view updates at a glance, and get as granular as we need, or take a wide-angle view of the entire organization's progress. 

What needs improvement?

It's always great to get more training support for new folks. We highly recommended it so that you are able to get the most out of the platform. 

This isn't a platform where you scrimp on the training and send one person to bring back knowledge. Monday is different things to different people, and context matters. Everyone should be immersed in its workings if you want to truly revolutionize your organization. 

The feature set is so robust, that my suggestions are really quite narrow in scope - as basic as expanding the color palette to folders in a workspace. 

For how long have I used the solution?

My organization has been using Monday for three years. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I've found Monday to be a very stable platform. Over the course of my using Monday, I cannot recall a time that the service was down or inaccessible to me. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It scales up and down, depending on your contract. 

How are customer service and support?

Nothing to complain about in terms of technical support. They are responsive, engaging, and always checking in. 

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We used several different solutions and Monday took care of many of our other 3rd-party tools - everything from our CRM to our helpdesk to our research. Those 3rd party tools we had to keep were easily integrated into Monday. 

How was the initial setup?

The solution offers a fantastic team setup and support options. It's a la carte and scales up to a more robust integration. 

What about the implementation team?

I run two different instances of Monday, one in-house, one through the vendor team. I am partial to the in-house. 

What was our ROI?

We haven't done the exact math on this, however, in morale alone, the return is a net positive. 

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

I'd advise new users to get the training you need for all the staff who will need discrete spaces carved out on Monday.

Don't get me wrong, Monday is easy to pick up and use for folks who don't need to do deeper stuff, however, your organization will need to consider how best to integrate the tool into your business. 

If there are choices, only integrate the parts of your business that you want to relieve from being crushed under the weight of your organization's ad-minutia. 

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

Monday was the first alternative to our current toolset that we looked at. 

What other advice do I have?

Monday is a whole-team solution. Make sure everyone gets a crack at seeing how they could use it- and let them play around a bit with the new ideas presented via the toolset. It's fun. 

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Private Cloud
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
COO at KifCure
Real User
User-friendly with great automation and sub-items
Pros and Cons
  • "The sub-items have been incredibly helpful."
  • "Monday is one of the more expensive tools available."

What is our primary use case?

I use it pretty much specifically with a vendor to some of my other companies. They do have their own board to manage the business between them and those companies.

Since we use an inventory management tool and we're a hemp and cannabis solutions company, we integrate with a number of different software. It's definitely made it a lot easier and I've incorporated it into our SOPs, so it's fundamental to our business at this point.

How has it helped my organization?

I've incorporated it into our standard operating procedures. It is fundamental to every facet of the business, as now something as simple. I'm a little upset lately, since they changed for security purposes, the email function to the board, as I used to have my sales reps email their orders (when they got them) to a Monday board that goes to my office manager, where he knows to make an invoice and go ahead and move forward with things to invoice the client using QuickBooks.

Just the overall flow, once that client paid that invoice, I have an automation set up that, depending on what revenue bucket it falls in, it will trigger, to tell that project manager for that board that a new project has been paid and she can go ahead and start work and the team can start formulating or we can start ordering ingredients, or whatever the case may be. It's basically incorporated into every portion of our business now.

What is most valuable?

The types of columns that I'm able to put into a particular board and the data that that captures. I like the fact that I could drop in PDFs. I can't do that with Excel. I can just drop in different types of files which I couldn't necessarily do in Excel. I can drop images into Excel, however, I can't drop files that are PDFs. Most of the things that I'm trying to collect on a particular client are signed documents and working documents. 

It is user-friendly. I like the forms. I can have clients fill out a form. As far as making it easier, I would say the email feature, the automation really makes it special. The email feature where if say a status changes to complete, the fact that I can have a scheduled email to a client to say, "Thank you for doing business with us." I can a personal touch on it and have that go out on a timed basis so many days after they completed a project with us, they will get the message. Things like that have made life easier to be able to automate that stuff.

The sub-items have been incredibly helpful.

What needs improvement?

Monday is one of the more expensive tools available.

The columns don't have descriptions. I would love to be able to write an explanation for a column. I'm only able to label and title it. 

Based on each group, I wish each group could have a snippet. The top of the board has a little note section or a summary, however, sometimes I do it by vendor, where each group on a particular board is a type of vendor, where maybe we have co-packing projects or something like that going on. Therefore, it gets complex. 

If a new employee were to come in, it requires a lot of training to get them to understand the board, as there are things they just have to know. For example, a certain vendor is a type of lab to which we have to submit testing to, and we send specific types of products to certain labs. There's no way for me to write a little blurb about each group, rather than putting in a dummy or test item and having a comment section on that, which looks funny. The same thing goes for each of the columns. If you were able to hover over and be able to see it the way that you see a long text, if you hover over the long text boxes, you can see the whole thing. And if you were able to do that same function for one of the groups or column headings, it would be really helpful.

There wasn't much onboarding assistance. There are still things that, since we have a number of companies and I'm super busy going to these webinars, I sign up and I never can quite attend. It would be nice if there was a little bit of hands-on onboarding help. The same way that HubSpot, for instance, has its team reach out to you to say, "Hey, how can we improve?" I've organized it so that I could grab all kinds of KPIs and make my dashboard super intuitive and really gather a bunch of important information that I could use to improve the business, however, nobody really assists with that.

There are learning modules where I could go in, however, I'm very specific about the things I need to accomplish, and sitting on an hour-long video that doesn't pertain to my exact situation, where I have to play around with it more. Surely, I play around with things and I'm better than most at software stuff, as we have a software company, therefore, I'm used to dealing with this kind of thing. However, with the setup time, it would be really cool if they reached out to say, "Hey, if there's anything that I know you know that this software can do, that you're not utilizing since you just don't have the time to watch a bunch of videos and play around with it."

It was difficult to get to adopt it, however, it's fundamental now to how we run the business. We couldn't function without it, at this point, unless I adopted something new and applied the same, just I've invested so much time into creating processes around Monday.

With automation, I've gotten to the point where managing the boards is somebody's half of their job. Managing a Monday board is half of somebody's time. While it's a lot of work to use it, it does a lot of things that eliminate a lot of work that would need to be manual if we were using Excel or something that's free.

The clocking in and clocking out for people who are doing projects could be improved. I know that there's an integration that I could do with something called Time, or there are a number of others that I can connect to, however, it's got the functionality to do it. We're trying to use just Monday to do that clocking in, and clocking out, on various projects, however, it could be better. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I've used the solution for about two-and-a-half years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

It's pretty stable.

Every once in a while, there may be some downtime, however, I just assume that is when they're making a lot of changes. Sometimes it's really slow, which sucks, as I have my employees clock in using it. 

Right after I moved a lot of our people over to hourly, we kept having some connection issues or it was slower than other websites were, due to an update or something like that.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The solution can continue to scale.

How are customer service and support?

Technical support has been great.  

When you make requests, sometimes they say no. Like with the email change, I had to change up my process. They said it was for security purposes and they simply said that no, it's just going to be these long jingled things that make no sense, instead of whatever the old one was. They just simply said, we have to change them now to be a bunch of mixed letters and numbers and symbols for security purposes. I'm not sure why, and it is what it is. I'm fairly used to software people saying, "Your request, thank you for submitting it, but it is what it is." However, they're fast to reply.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I was using Teams to try to organize everything. Monday ended up being able to solve pretty much all of my problems. I've now incorporated it into all of my SOPs. 

I wasn't quite able to organize the flow of things and it didn't have the automation set up, and it was just difficult to visualize projects. As I couldn't do everything on the project management tool, I was doing some things on Excel. The fact that Monday is very similar to Excel, it made it a lot easier.

How was the initial setup?

I had to basically get rid of my entire old team and onboard a whole new team. It was actually pretty intense. It was a very difficult thing. The old team was just stuck in their ways. We moved from being a smaller company and we were growing at a really fast rate, and I was the only one who was really organizing things. Now, I have a whole operations team, however, for a couple of years we were in a growth phase and it's just that the old team wasn't able to adopt the Monday change.

What was our ROI?

I have seen an ROI. I incorporated it into my SOPs. My business pretty much runs on Monday. My whole team actually is able to use this, however, I did have to have a lot of turnover to get people to use it. Of course, adopting change is always difficult, however, now my entire team does know how to use it and does use it, as it's a part of their job. That said, that was difficult to onboard originally.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

It's one of the more expensive tools. 

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I looked at a few others, however, I feel like Asana is very similar. I've worked with other companies where I'm able to log in to a particular board the same way you can on Monday. It's very, very similar and people like that just as much. I just went with Monday as it felt right to me.

Other software have very similar programming. I was pretty set on it. I went looking for a new tool and it met all my needs in a demo, and with a 30 day demo they were promoting that month. It worked out and now I can't not use it. I'm pretty happy with it, even though it's really expensive.

What other advice do I have?

I'm a customer and end-user.

I'd rate the solution nine out of ten. There's a few things that would be great, however, I don't know if it's me not giving it the time to be able to do it correctly or if the program just simply can't do it.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Senior Manager of Operations at Clark Nuber PS
Customizable with a good user interface and a short learning curve
Pros and Cons
  • "I like the ability to customize so that we can create a system that works for us, and easily iterate it as things change."
  • "The inbox and notifications section is not great, therefore, we don't use the comments field to communicate with each other."

What is our primary use case?

We are a 35-person accounting services department within a larger accounting firm, and our department uses to track the recurring monthly, quarterly, and annual accounting engagements as well as regular business filings, one-off unique projects for clients, and some of our internal processes. 

We use it as a workflow tool to track various stages and statuses of task in a project, and as our personal work to-do lists. We use it to onboard new employees, as well as a topic tracker to create agendas for our task force department initiatives.  

How has it helped my organization?

We were tracking our work in a few different places that weren't very user-friendly for regular updates. 

For 85% of our work, it is on a recurring basis (either monthly, quarterly, or annually) and we need the same engagement to roll each month and create a new project for the subsequent month. helped us capture all the work we're doing in one place, with liveability to provide timely updates on the status of projects, and it allows us to create customized boards to track the tasks associated with each engagement. It gave us the flexibility to build it how we want it to suit our unique mode of operation (a lot of small recurring processes). 

What is most valuable?

We chose for the flexibility. It is relatively easy to build a basic board for tracking projects and tasks. 

It has a pleasing and pretty user interface, allowing conditional formatting and color coding for easy visual tracking of projects and statuses. It doesn't take much training to get up and running in it. It's easy to pick up and click around and figure out how to build a basic board. 

I like the ability to customize so that we can create a system that works for us, and easily iterate it as things change.  

What needs improvement?

The inbox and notifications section is not great, therefore, we don't use the comments field to communicate with each other. We instead communicate outside of the platform in Microsoft Teams. 

It is hard to maintain when you have linked boards, automation, etc. It can doa lot, however, that means it requires a lot of upkeep too. We didn't purchase the Enterprise package. Our representative mentioned that would have provided advice and a roadmap for supporting our rollout, however, we couldn't have known what we wanted out of the gates. Therefore, it was best that we implemented it ourselves, however, at this point it's a little sprawling and on the brink of becoming unmanageable. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I've used the solution for three and a half years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

A few times it'll have an outage or glitch, however, it never lasts more than an hour or so.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The solution is definitely scalable, however, it would require a champion or team of people with a significant investment of time to stay up to date and manage the flow of boards.  

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We used a combination of a variety of tools, including shared Excel docs, Outlook calendars, and Smartsheet.

How was the initial setup?

The setup is pretty simple and straightforward. That said, we were much smaller at the time (maybe 20 people). 

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We evaluated Asana and Trello.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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